STC Presidium Urges the Government to Assume Responsibility in Assisting Displaced Families from Battle Fronts of North Lahj and Al-Dhale'a

The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regular meeting today, Thursday, chaired by Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Acting President of the STC and Chairman of the National Assembly, in the presence of the STC's ministers in government and heads of the auxiliary bodies.

In the beginning of its meeting, the Presidium reviewed the latest military developments in the North fronts of Lahj and Al-Dhale'a governorates, as well as in Thura in Abyan governorate, and commended the heroic epics of our Southern Armed Forces in various fronts to counter the escalation of the Houthi terrorist militia and its ongoing attacks.

In this context, the Presidium has urged the government to assume its responsibility for addressing the conditions of families displaced from villages and areas along the battle fronts in Al-Musaimir, Lahj, and North Dhalea, as these families have been forced to flee their homes due to the Houthi militia's indiscriminate use of various weapons in their attacks against civilian targets in these villages, in a last-ditch attempt to infiltrate them.

The Presidium has reiterated its willingness to coordinate with any North forces that respect the choices of the people of the South, their unrelenting struggles, and ultimate sacrifices to restore and rebuild their state, dedicating their tireless efforts and genuine commitment, struggles, and credibility to liberate the people of the North from the arrogance, injustice, and tyranny inflicted upon them by the Houthi terrorist militias.

At the end of its meeting, the Presidium touched on a range of organizational topics and issues related to the work of the various local, auxiliary, and central bodies of the STC and took the appropriate measures.