STC Assembly Appeals to Saudi Arabia and UAE to Urgently Intervene and Avert Humanitarian Catastrophe in Aden (Statement)
The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its...
Head of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council branch in Aden Dr Abdulnasser Al Wali confirmed that the local leadership’s priorities is to unite the national front based on the fat that everyone is part of this nation,’ Whether it is good times or bad times. ‘Adding we are aiming for cessation in an amicable manner
Dr Alwali in an exclusive statement to the STC’c official website said that we are ready for anything adding that all hearts, minds and arms are open from Bab Al Mandeb to Al Mahara, to everyone without any discrepancies’.
He confirmed that he will work effortlessly to serve the country and he hopes that he will be able to serve the cause.
In his statement he thanked all the honest people of Aden adding that it is rich with qualified cadres in all fields who are willing to present their services and contribute with their experience and knowledge to restore progress and development in the capital of the south, Aden.
Dr Alwali assured , ‘There are national entitlements and we are willing to be part of a national partnership to represent the south in any future national , regional or international dialogue in order to defend the right of our people in the south .’
He added, ‘The forces of ignorance, tribalism and sectarianism in the North have to bear the consequences of its failure’.
He concluded his statement by confirming that the people of the south have advocated the Southern Transitional Council to represent and defend the people’s rights and will not hesitate nor spare any effort to defend those rights for freedom and self determination.