NSMA Deputy Head Receives EIP Delegation

Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafe'y, deputy head of the National Southern Media Authority (NSMA), of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), received on Wednesday NSMA's headquarters in the capital, Aden, Mr. Jimmy Bleibel, Director of Middle East Program in the European Institute of Peace (EIP), and Mr. Thanos Petouris, the Institute's Regional Advisor.

During the meeting, Mr. Al-Yafe'y confirmed that, in accordance with the directives of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the capital, Aden, and the rest of the governorates of the South have been experiencing a high degree of media and press freedom, indicating that media and press outlets and institutions are carrying out their duties with full freedom as per the regulations governing media work and that neither extrajudicial cases of arrests of journalists or media professionals nor any attempts to suppress freedoms have been recorded.

Al-Yafe'y added, "We, in NSMA, actively maintain ongoing relationships with all our journalist colleagues. We hold regular meetings with heads of local media outlets, correspondents from Arab and international news agencies, and general-directors of media offices in the capital, Aden, and the governorates of the South to exchange views and develop media work mechanisms in a way that promotes the rights and freedoms of media professionals.”

He highlighted the positive role of the EIP in supporting media members through conducting workshops, seminars, and training courses, affirming the authority's readiness to cooperate in all endeavors aimed at developing and polishing up the skills and capabilities of media members in the South."

In turn, the delegation of the EIP expressed their appreciation for the NSMA's dedicating role in organizing media in the capital, Aden, and the governorates of the South, lauding the authority's openness to various media spectrums, which fosters a spirit of initiative and diversity, as well as contributing to strengthening the culture of freedom of opinion and expression and serves the process of peace and stability.