STC Media Authority Holds Regular Meeting Headed by Al-Awlaqi
The National Southern Media Authority (NSMA), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional C...
The Research and Decision Support Center (RDSC) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regular meeting today, Tuesday, in the capital, Aden, headed by Dr. Mohammed Jaafar, deputy head of the RDSC.
The meeting discussed a range of critical issues, including a study on terrorist organizations in the South and the evolution of their activities, tactics, and strategies to achieve their goals. In addition to developing a comprehensive vision to eradicate terrorism and dry up its sources in the South, with a specific focus on Abyan Governorate.
The meeting highlighted that terrorism in the south is a dangerous legacy planted by the Yemeni occupation regime after 1990, stressing the importance of regional and international cooperation to combat this threat and coordinate security, intelligence, and judicial efforts to cut off terrorist funding.
The meeting underscored the significance of these studies and recommendations in bolstering efforts to counter terrorism and maintain security and stability in the South.
The meeting further touched on the latest political developments on both the regional and international arenas, as well as the STC's active engagement in diplomacy.