STC Relief Commission Discusses Humanitarian Situation in the South and its Repercussions

The Humanitarian Aid and Relief Commission (HARC) of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held on Monday in the capital, Aden, its first regular meeting for July, headed by Lawyer Niran Souqi, head of HARC.

The meeting discussed a range of topics related to the latest developments in the humanitarian situation in the South, including the crisis in electricity fuel, the deterioration of currency exchange rates, and the overall decline in living conditions.

The meeting stressed the need to work towards finding quick solutions to alleviate the suffering of citizens, especially in light of the difficult circumstances they are facing.

In a separate context, the attendees emerged with a number of recommendations, the most important of which was the need to hold a meeting with the Undersecretary of the Governor of the capital, Aden, for Martyrs and Wounded, Alawi Al-Nuba, to discuss the possibility of unifying the lists of martyrs and wounded with the lists of the Martyrs and Wounded Department in the STC.