STC Presidium Warns of Procrastination in Economic Battle Against the Terrorist Houthi Militia


The Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regularly scheduled meeting today, Tuesday, headed by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, in the presence of the STC's ministers and heads of auxiliary bodies.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Presidium reviewed the latest developments on the national scene, including the progress made in the time-bound implementation mechanism of the matrix emanating from the exceptional meeting of the Council of Ministers, which was chaired by President Al-Zubairi last week. The Presidium stressed the need for speedy completion and immediate implementation of aspects related to citizens’ living standards, especially electricity.

The Presidium urged the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) and the government to swiftly implement the decisions of the Central Bank in Aden and the recent ministerial decisions on the economic aspect, and to complete the relocation of state institutions and bodies to the capital, Aden. The Presidium pointed out that procrastination in waging the economic battle against the terrorist Houthi militia will not only be unacceptable but would also represent a real blow to the existing partnership.

On the political front, the Presidium affirmed what was stated in the speech of President Aidarous Al-Zubairi at the opening of the second general meeting of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission (CRC), in which his excellency stressed adherence to the special negotiating framework for the cause of the people of the South, which was agreed upon by all parties participating in the consultations sponsored by the Gulf Cooperation Council in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, as the Presidium considered this framework a fundamental basis that aligns with the essence of the cause and meets the aspirations of the people of the South.

Furthermore, the Presidium touched on the recent developments regarding some of the movements calling for the opening of crossings to areas under the control of the terrorist Houthi militia, reiterating its support for the statement of the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Mahsen al-Da'eri, who stressed that the road opening procedures must be preceded by a comprehensive ceasefire and the formation of official committees to implement the procedures in a non-random manner.

In another context, the Presidium reviewed the progress made on the tasks assigned at the previous meeting, discussed a range of organizational issues related to the work of the central, auxiliary, and local bodies of the STC, and took the appropriate measures in this regard.

At the end of its meeting, the Presidium extended its congratulations and best wishes to the people of the South, both at home and abroad, on the occasion of the imminent Eid al-Adha, praying that Allah, the Almighty, grant syccess and acceptance to the pilgrims of the House of Allah in performing their rituals and return to their homelands safe and sound, and that Eid may return to the people of the South and the Arab and Islamic nations having achieved what they aspire for in terms of security, safety, stability, progress, and prosperity.