President Al-Zubaidi Inaugurates Second General Meeting of the CRC

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), inaugurated today, Monday, the second general meeting of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission (CRC) in support of the PLC, held in the capital, Aden.

The full keynote address by His Excellency President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi is as follows:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May the praise of Allah and His peace be on Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], the most honest and truthful person of all times.

H.E. Chairman of the PLC

Esteemed Members of the PLC

Dear Chairman of the CRC

Esteemed Members of the CRC

Distinguished Guests

Have a good morning.

Indeed, this meeting of yours convenes under exceptionally complex circumstances that bear upon the very future of our people. These circumstances necessitate that we summon our courage, shoulder our national and historical responsibility with sincerity and dedication, and stand united in a broad front to confront the looming dangers and threats, the most grievous of which is the Iranian project and its terrorist Houthi militias, whose terrorism has transcended the land, reaching the sea to target our people's food and medicine, as well as regional and international interests.

Sisters and brothers 

Our battle with these terrorist militias is fateful and relentless, an open battle on all military, political, and economic fronts, and our meeting today here in the capital, Aden, comes as an extension of the great efforts that have been made recently to unify the position and strengthen alignment to confront these militias and their Iranian project that threatens the security and stability of the country and the region. 

In light of the ongoing Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait, it is crucial to reiterate the strong condemnation of these acts of piracy and terrorism that pose a grave threat to international maritime security and the global economy, jeopardizing the vital trade routes that pass through these waters, and we reaffirm our steadfast position in support of the international coalition aimed at protecting this vital region for the country, the region, and the world.

All attendees,

The economic front stands as a parallel battleground to our military endeavors, inextricably linked to our overall struggle. Just as we have emerged victorious on the battlefield, we shall triumph on the economic front as well. With unwavering determination, we will forge ahead on the path of reform, sparing no effort to fulfill our people's aspirations for freedom and a dignified life, regardless of the sacrifices required. In this regard, we reiterate our unwavering support for the comprehensive decisions and measures undertaken by the Central Bank board of directors to protect the banking sector and shield it from the blackmail practices and extortion tactics of the Houthi militia, a group designated as a terrorist organization by the international community. These long-overdue decisions must be rigorously implemented and built upon, with the government translating them into tangible actions through the scheduled implementation of the urgent solutions matrix stemming from the extraordinary Cabinet meeting aimed at curbing economic deterioration, bolstering Central Bank measures, activating revenue-generating and productive institutions, and providing essential services to citizens, prioritizing electricity.

Fellow attendees,

In line with our unwavering commitment to economic reforms and institutional consolidation, we reaffirm our strong support for the relocation of government institutions currently under the control of the Houthi militia to the capital, Aden. This initiative, spearheaded by the ministries of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, Planning and International Cooperation, represents a crucial step towards restoring legitimate governance and fostering economic recovery. We commend the proactive efforts of these ministries in spearheading this relocation drive, which aligns with our broader vision of establishing Aden as a hub for stability, progress, and inclusive development. Aden's rich history and strategic location make it an ideal base for fostering economic growth, attracting foreign investment, and promoting regional cooperation. To further facilitate this relocation process, we pledge to provide comprehensive support and ensure all security and legal protections for all relocating institutions, organizations, banks, humanitarian bodies, investment companies, and commercial agencies. Indeed, Aden will remain a city of security, stability, love, harmony, diversity, development, and construction.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we embark on the arduous yet essential journey towards reconciliation, it is paramount that we shed the outdated and destructive rhetoric of domination and subjugation. Such an approach can only lead to further devastation and suffering, a burden that neither the people of the North nor the South can bear. The stark realities of our present situation demand a shift in perspective, a collective pursuit of common ground upon which we can stand united far outweigh the divisions that have plagued us for too long with sincere intentions against the common enemy that threatens us all.

Dear attendees,

As we gather today, we reaffirm that we have been and are still in support of peace and are fully certain that the option of peace and sitting at the negotiating table is the safest and only viable path to resolving all issues. As per a solid foundation that guarantees the stability of the country and the region, just and sustainable peace must be anchored in the principles of equity and justness, ensuring that the rights of all parties are respected and upheld. This peace must foster fraternity and good neighborliness, strengthen regional harmony, and pave the way for a prosperous future for all the peoples of our region. At the forefront of all these issues is the cause of our people in the South. All forces that participated in the consultations held under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, unanimously agreed that the cause of the South must be addressed within its special negotiating framework, in all phases and agendas of ceasing the war and the political process, which is what we stress, and we reaffirm our full adherence to it, as a basic starting point that guarantees the resolution of the cause in a way that is commensurate with its essence and meets the aspirations of the people of the South and their right to self-determination.

We also do not forget to renew our call to the United Nations and the peace-sponsoring countries for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and to respect the right of the brotherly Palestinian people to self-determination and establish their independent state in accordance with the principles of the Arab Peace Initiative.

In conclusion, we commend the convening of your meeting and pray to Allah, the Almighty, for your success and guidance. 

May peace, mercy, and
blessings of Allah be upon you all.