While Meeting with US Ambassador to the Country

President Al-Zoubaidi: We Support the Efforts of the Official Brothers and the International Community to Bring About Peace and Are Ready for All Options

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zoubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice-Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), affirmed the readiness of the PLC, with its various forces, to move forward on the path of peace to end the war in the country.

In a meeting on Thursday with Mr. Steven H. Fagin, Ambassador of the United States of America to Yemen, the President pointed out that the PLC will continue its positive interaction with the various regional and international efforts to bring peace, while the Council retains all options to confront the intransigence of the Houthi militias.

In addition to that, President Al-Zoubaidi reiterated that the Houthi militias do not believe in peace, have no intention to engage in a real political process with the rest of the parties to the conflict, and are betting on buying time to continue their war aimed at achieving Iran’s agenda in the region.

Furthermore, President Al-Zoubaidi reaffirmed that the success of the peace path in the country depends on the existence of a political process that discusses the pivotal issues of conflict in the country, foremost of which is the cause of our people in the South, indicating the importance of the strength and cohesiveness of the front against the Houthi militias and the seriousness of the international community in finding sustainable peace in the region.

In the same context, President Al-Zoubaidi highlighted the importance of strengthening the support and assistance of the regional and international community for the PLC and its efforts aimed at reviving the economy and addressing deteriorating living conditions in the liberated areas, lauding the support provided by the US government to the Council and the government in this respect.

For his part, Ambassador Fagin reiterated his country's support for regional and international efforts aimed at durably ending the war and bringing about peace in the country, supported the PLC and the government in their efforts aimed at stopping the horrific deterioration in the economic aspect, and reviewed the humanitarian and development support programs provided by the USA to the liberated governorates.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Imad Mohammad, Office Director of the Vice-President of the PLC, Mr. Anis Al-Sharafi, Deputy Director of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs (GDFA) of the STC, Mr. Saleh Al-Quaiti, Advisor to the Vice-President of the PLC, and Mr. Chris Coles, Director of the Political and Economic Department at the US Embassy.