The Official Spokesman: The Southern Cause Goes Through a Sensitive Stage

  The fair national cause of our people at the moment  is going through a critical and sensitive stage which requires more awareness and consistancy and to perceive the scene with objectivity which  stems from the roots of its cause and the of the  moment.

  It is a ressponsibility  on all the southerners' shoulders to fortify the internal front and to thwart the attempts to drag the South into a nonsensical argument and to turn the conflict into an  inter-Southerner one , this is exactly what the oposing forces lurking in the south are planning for.

 Those forces will fail as they failed during more than twenty years. The bet is on the '  Southern will ' which derives its strength from its true awareness of the fairness of its cause and its faithfulness to the goal for    which the righteous martyrs sacrificed.

  Put the South in the apple of your eye, protect each other, fortify yourselves against the rumor and face  the conspiracies of your adversaries with awareness, unity and political efficacy and we can definitely cross the ocean.