STC Commemorates Martyrdom of Major General Ali Naser Hadi

On Friday, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) commemorated the 7th martyrdom anniversary of the Southern Senior Martyr, Major General Ali Nasser Hadi, who was martyred in defending the capital, Aden, against the Houthis' invasion, on the 6th of May, 2015.

Brigadier General Pilot Naser Al-Saadi, member of Presidency of the STC along with Mr. Esam Abdo Ali, in charge of the STC's local leadership executive head in the capital, Aden, laid a wreath of flowers at the site of Hadi's martyrdom in Hujaif, Al-Tawahi District.

Brigadier General Al-Saadi and those accompanying him read Al-Fatiha for the souls of the martyr Hadi and his companions, who were martyred on this frontline in defense of the capital, Aden, and the South.

Al-Saadi, who was the martyr’s fellow on Hujaif front, delivered a speech in which he estimatedly enumerated the martyr’s virtues, heroic positions, and steadfast rsistance in the face of the invaders, emphasized the leadership of the STC, and all the free courageous combatants, will remain loyal to each drop of blood irrigates the land of the South.

Mr. Ahmed Abdo, head of the executive body of the STC in Al-Tawahi district, with a number of members of the executive bodies in the district and the capital, Aden, participated in laying the wreath.