STC Assembly Appeals to Saudi Arabia and UAE to Urgently Intervene and Avert Humanitarian Catastrophe in Aden (Statement)
The Administrative Body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its...
The presidium of the Southern Transitional Council headed by Aidros AlZubaidi in its meeting today has agreed that the date for the first meeting of the National Assembly in the capital Aden will be on Saturday the 23rd of December 2017.
At the presidium meeting, which was attended by Hani Ben Berek vice president of the STC, called on holding the first meeting of the National Assembly which consists of 303 members on the fixed date.
The STC presidium said, ‘That the STC has almost completed implementing its foundations, its first meeting of the National Assembly in Aden is an excellent step in the right direction’.