The STC Accepts Requests for Withdrawal Submitted by Qasim and Zaid and Assign Two Alternate Members to the National Assembly

  The head of the STC local headquarter in the province of al-Dali' Abdullah Mahdi Saeed declared the acceptance of the request made by Brigadier General Mohammed Qasim Abdul Aziz and Mansour Zeid Haidra Mana' to withdraw from the Southern National Assembly.

  He made it clear that after having consulted with the STC presidency , Qaid Shaif Hussein and Nazem Mubarak Ali Abdullah Qablan have been assigned to the membership of the National Assembly.

  The head of the STC local headquarter in the province of al-Dali' Abdullah Mahdi Saeed expressed his thanks to Brigadier General Mohammed Qasim Abdul Aziz and Mansour Zeid Haidra Mana' for their stances and well-known national efforts.