STC Secretariat Discusses Workflow of Coordination Body at Abyan University and Lauds its Performance

The General Secretariat of the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regular meeting today, Sunday, in the capital, Aden, headed by Major General Kamal Hamshari, a member of the Presidium of the STC and Acting Secretary-General.

The meeting reviewed the performance of the STC's coordination body at the University of Abyan. Dr. Yaslam Ba-Layl, the head of the coordination, presented a report detailing the activities and programs implemented during the recent period. The report also outlined the mechanism to enhance the coordination's role in supporting the university's academic and educational process across various specialized fields. The Secretariat commended the body's performance.

The meeting discussed the organizational report on improving and developing the performance of departments of the Secretariat for October, in addition to the work discipline level report for November, where the performance of staff in departments was evaluated to enhance efficiency in various task execution.

The meeting touched on the latest developments in the South, particularly the delay in paying teachers’ salaries and its negative impact on the progress of the educational process.

The meeting reviewed the weekly activity report of departments of the Secretariat and the work they carried out in their various jurisdictions during the past period, in addition to reviewing and approving the minutes of the previous meeting.