President Al-Zubaidi Discusses with the French Ambassador Coordinating Joint Efforts to Bring About Peace to the Region

President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), received on Monday evening with her Excellency Catherine Corm-Kammoun, Ambassador of the Republic of France to Yemen.

The meeting reviewed bilateral relations with France and ways to enhance them for serving the common interests of the two friendly peoples.

The meeting discussed the latest developments in the political and humanitarian landscape in the country and the dire conditions resulting from the continued escalation by Houthi militias and their targeting of international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb, and the Gulf of Aden.

President Al-Zubaidi underlined the significance of aligning positions with our brotherly and friendly countries, asserting that a unified approach is paramount to ending the conflict and achieving lasting peace in the country and the region.

President Al-Zubaidi reaffirmed the impossibility of achieving lasting peace in the country amid the escalating violence perpetrated by Houthi militias both on land and at sea," highlighting that these terrorist militias will continue their acts of terror in international shipping lanes under any pretext, as they are a group founded on violence and destruction and do not believe in peace.

A separate context, the meeting touched on the overall humanitarian projects and interventions implemented by the French government in all liberated governorates. In this regard, President Al-Zubaidi expressed his hope that the French government would intensify its humanitarian support to alleviate the suffering experienced by our people as a result of the war and the siege imposed by the Houthi militias.

For her part, the ambassador of France reiterated the steadfast support of the government of her country to the PLC and the endeavors undertaken by brotherly and friendly countries to safeguard international interests in key shipping lanes and to promote efforts to bring about peace.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Mohammed Al-Ghaithi, member of the STC's Presidium, Head of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission (CRC) supporting the PLC, Mr. Amr Al-Beidh, member of the STC's Presidium and Special Representative of the President of the STC for Foreign Affairs, and Dr. Nasser Al-Khubaji, Head of the Political Commission assisting the Presidium of the STC, Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, and Mr. Imad Mohammed, director of the office of the Vice President of the PLC.