President Al-Zubaidi Attends Celebration Event Organized by Southern Community in California Honoring 2nd Visit to USA


President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), attended on Thursday evening a celebration event organized by the Southern community in California on the occasion of honoring his excellency's second visit and the delegation accompanying him to the USA.

President Al-Zubaidi delivered a keynote address at the celebration event, the full text of which is as follows:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May the praise of Allah and His peace be on Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], his family, and Companions.

My dear Brothers and Sisters of the Southern Community in California, 

Actually, words cannot express the immense joy and pride I feel being in this hall with such distinguished national figures whose hearts beat with love for our beloved homeland. Thank you all for your heartwarming welcome and generous hospitality. This is truly a testament to the character of our people abroad. Thank you each in his/her own name and esteemed title.

Esteemed sisters, brothers, daughters, and sons,
There is no patriotism greater than that of a migrant longing for their homeland. Diaspora serves as a profound educational experience, fueling a deep-rooted sense of a profound understanding of the importance of preserving one's homeland. In this spirit, migrants of the South, including yourselves, have always been at the forefront of defending the dignity and sovereignty of their homeland. Generations to come will continue to remember with pride the pioneering role performed by people of the South in the countries of diaspora throughout the various stages of the Southern liberation revolution, both in the past and present.

Indeed, the emigrants of the South have a pivotal role in voicing the just cause of the people of the South, backgrounds, dimensions, and repercussions. They spearheaded a movement to enlighten the masses about the depth and breadth of the just cause, inspiring a widespread revolution that reverberated throughout the region and captured global attention. Their generous contributions, both financial and moral, were instrumental in sustaining the revolution and ultimately securing victory, which truly formed the equation of decisiveness. The immigrants' selfless sacrifices and unwavering commitment to their homeland have earned them a place of honor in the annals of our history. Let us be proud of you, and you can be proud that you have been an active element in creating that great victory.

All the attendees,
We realize the frustration and despair you feel as the living conditions of our people continue to deteriorate. It's a natural reaction for anyone who cares about their people and their homeland. But I assure you, despite all challenges, we remain committed to the path laid out by the blood of our blessed martyrs until we achieve the aspirations of our people to restore our independent state with full sovereignty. We articulate this with the confidence of those who believe in Allah's victory and support, for we have never been advocates of falsehood or seekers of power or prestige. We are the right holders of a just national cause, supported by all international norms, covenants, and laws.

We have previously reiterated in all our meetings and speeches, and we will continue to affirm that the STC is a national achievement and a historic and struggle entitlement for the entire people of the South, from Almahra to Bab al-Mandab. So you are argued to preserve it as a beacon, championing, and representative of the cause of our people, and that one of the priorities of preserving it is to support its bodies and constructively evaluate them with a conscious and sound mentality, away from selfishness, passion, and rush that destroys and does not build, and know that our hearts are open and we feel grateful as we hear from you, and through your remarks we identify the strengths and safeguard them and the shortcomings and correct them.

Dear all,

It is imperative that everyone recognizes the complex realities and facts of the long-standing conflict that our region is enduring. This demands a unified national effort and a cohesive national front to confront all challenges, risks, and immediate obligations, ultimately achieving our asired national goals.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, we face a historic national responsibility that burdens us all. The risks and challenges are numerous, not only at the level of our homeland but also at the regional and international levels. Be assured that the 
STC's leadership is working with all its might on various domestic, regional, and international tracks to secure our people's right to restore their fully sovereign, independent state. When we say we are moving forward to achieve our people's goals and aspirations for independence and state restoration, we are fully aware of what we are saying. We have the determination and force to ensure that our people's rights are secured through means we deem appropriate, the right is ours, the land is ours, and our decision is ours to make, and our feet are firmly planted on our land as steadfast as mountains.

Distinguished attendees,
We will stand united in the battle to reclaim our homeland, sovereignty, dignity, and state. We are committed to modernizing and upgrading the STC's structures. Moreover, we are relentlessly working to build our armed forces and security services, enhancing their capabilities with state-of-the-art equipment across all sectors. This will enable them to fulfill their national duty of defending and protecting the land of our South and preserving our security and stability. We have made significant strides in this journey, which we believe is the solid foundation for building a state based on justice and the rule of law.

Distinguished attendees,
We will stand united in the battle to reclaim our homeland, sovereignty, dignity, and state. We are committed to modernizing and upgrading the STC's structures. Moreover, we are relentlessly working to build our armed forces and security services, enhancing their capabilities with state-of-the-art equipment across all sectors. This will enable them to fulfill their national duty of defending and protecting the land of our South and preserving our security and stability. We have made significant strides in this journey, which we believe is the solid foundation for building a state based on justice and the rule of law.

Distinguished attendees,
We will stand united in the battle to reclaim our homeland, sovereignty, dignity, and state. We are committed to modernizing and upgrading the STC's structures. Moreover, we are relentlessly working to build our armed forces and security services, enhancing their capabilities with state-of-the-art equipment across all sectors. This will enable them to fulfill their national duty of defending and protecting the land of our South and preserving our security and stability. We have made significant strides in this journey, which we believe is the solid foundation for building a state based on justice and the rule of law.

Distinguished attendees,
We will stand united in the battle to reclaim our homeland, sovereignty, dignity, and state. We are committed to modernizing and upgrading the STC's structures. Moreover, we are relentlessly working to build our armed forces and security services, enhancing their capabilities with state-of-the-art equipment across all sectors. This will enable them to fulfill their national duty of defending and protecting the land of our South and preserving our security and stability. We have made significant strides in this journey, which we believe is the solid foundation for building a state based on justice and the rule of law.

Our esteemed Southern community,
As we accelerate our efforts to modernize our armed forces and enhance their capabilities, we are also steadfastly pursuing reforms to our institutions and combating financial and administrative corruption. As corruption and terrorism are two faces of the same coin, just as we counter terrorism and its organizations and destroy their strongholds, we possess the will and determination to combat corruption, confront the corrupt, and strengthen the principles of transparency, integrity, oversight, and accountability. Be assured that the principle of reward and punishment will be applied to all without favoritism, complimenting, or discrimination. This is a firm commitment, a covenant, and a promise that we are bound by and accountable for before Allah and the people.

There is no doubt that you are well-aware of the terrorism practiced by the terrorist Houthi militias both on land and at sea, and the siege they impose on our people by targeting international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, Bab al Mandeb, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea is directly threatening food security and exacerbating a humanitarian catastrophe of unprecedented scale, and its consequences continue to increase day after day, in addition to the grave threat to international peace and security. Therefore, we reiterate our call to our regional and international allies, particularly the USA, to uphold the values and principles of human rights upon which the United States was founded to spread and protect justice by adopting a comprehensive strategy to confront terrorist acts and maritime piracy carried out by these terrorist militias. Thus, it is not possible to bring about peace and achieve stability in the region in light of the ongoing terrorism of Iran and the Houthis.

In conclusion, I would wholeheartedly like to extend my greetings to all those who have attended this meeting from within this state. I extend my sincere thanks, appreciation, and gratitude to our beloved guests who have traveled from other states. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the valiant women of the South who are always present with us. I am extremely proud and honored by their roles, whose struggle has been instrumental in every turn of the Southern Liberation Revolution.

All the best and peace, mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you,