STC Youth Commission Holds Special Meeting to Discuss Issue of Education in the South

The Youth Commission (YC), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), held a special meeting in the capital, Aden, on Sunday to discuss educational challenges in the South, chaired by Eng. Nizar Haitham, Head of the YC.

The meeting was attended by a number of researchers and consultants from "The Eighth Day Foundation for Media and Studies," led by Mr. Saleh Abu Awadhl, head of the foundation, together with representatives from the YC in public and higher education and educational unions.

Eng. Nizar Haitham opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees. He then provided a detailed explanation of the significance of education in building a society and a homeland as well as its pivotal role in achieving development and progress.

Haitham highlighted the challenges facing the education sector in the South and the attempts that have been hatched at undermining and systematic destruction since the occupation of the South in the summer of 1994, adding that these attempts not only target educational infrastructure but also impose 'Yemenizing' the curricula and sidelining Southern expertise.

The attendees discussed potential solutions to rebuild and develop the education sector, emphasizing the urgency of taking immediate steps to emerge from the ongoing crisis and rehabilitate educational facilities.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to hold a broad consultative meeting on education with the aim of reaching definitive and decisive solutions.