STC Council of Advisors Urges Decisive Action Against Forces Seeking to Destabilize Security of the South

The administrative body of the Council of Advisors (CoA) of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its regular meeting today, Wednesday.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Ali Abdullah al-Kathiri, acting president of the STC, who asserted that the ongoing fabricated conflicts and attempts to stir up chaos in the governorates of the South by the Houthi militia and terrorist groups will only serve to strengthen the resolve of the people of the South and their commitment to restoring their state with its full sovereignty.

In his opening remarks at the meeting chaired by Mr. Ahmed Al-Rabizi, Deputy Chairman of the CoA, the Acting President of the STC reviewed the numerous challenges facing the STC in particular and the people of the South in general. He stressed the need to redouble efforts to improve performance, advance the work, and take a serious stand about the recent developments on the Southern national scene in order to protect the hard-won national gains of the South.

The administrative body subsequently reviewed the latest developments in the South, condemning all acts of terrorism, including the recent terrorist attack on the Southern Armed Forces in Mudiyah District, Abyan Governorate, and asserting their firm stance against all hostile forces seeking to undermine security and stability in the South. 

The meeting discussed the mid-year performance reports and plans for the CoA committees for 2024. These reports detailed the key activities undertaken, the challenges faced, and proposed solutions to enhance performance and achieve the STC's objectives.

The body also reviewed reports on the plans of various committees and the level of staff discipline over the past few months.

At the end of its meeting, the body touched on the remaining topics on its agenda and took the appropriate measures.