Assembly's Administrative Body Holds Regular Meeting Headed by Al-Kathiri

The administrative body of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its meeting on Wednesday, headed by Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly. 

At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the National Assembly delivered a brief speech about May 22, 1990, which marked the beginning of the betrayal and invasion of the South in 1994 and the destruction, marginalization, oppression, exclusion, and identity erasure that the people of the South have suffered for 34 years.

In his speech, Mr. Al-Kathiri reiterated the STC's determination to move forward towards the goal of restoring and building a fully sovereign federal state of the South over the entire national territory until May 21, 1990. He pointed out that this painful occasion comes at a time when our people have achieved much of what we have been struggling for, thanks to the sacrifices of our martyrs and the bravery of our heroes in the armed forces and the Southern Resistance.

The Administrative Body then reviewed the report presented by the Military Committee chaired by Brigadier General Nasser Ahmed Huwaider, which reviewed the general military situation in the South, the danger of Houthi threats to international maritime navigation, and the repercussions of this on the economic and food security situation in the South, as well as the economic damage caused by the Houthi attacks on oil export ports in the South.

The Body also reviewed the continued attacks by the Houthi militia on the positions of the Southern forces along the southern borders, praising in this context the great feats achieved by our Southern forces in defending the homeland, protecting its borders, maintaining its security and stability, and stressing the need for popular support and support for them, as a national and moral duty, in appreciation of the enormous sacrifices made by their members.

In the context of its meeting, the Administrative Body discussed a range of developments on the national scene, the topics on its agenda, and took the appropriate action thereon.