The Ministerial Bloc of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and a number of southern ministers in the power-sharing government between the North and the South, on Sunday, held an exceptional meeting to review the negative impacts of the resolutions of the Supreme Economic Council both on the people and the national capital.
The meeting concluded that the negative reactions sparked by those resolutions indicate an inadequate study by specialists, inappropriate discussion with the concerned Chamber of Commerce in the capital Aden, the absence of a legal quorum in the Council of Ministers, and many competent ministers.
The meeting emphasized that if these measures were put in place as per the conditions of international and regional donors to bring about crucial reforms in the state’s financial policy with the aim of improving it in a way that reflects on community service, then all these resolutions should be thoroughly re-studied so that they do not worsen people’s lives, take into account the standard of living, and do not negatively affect the basic commodities of citizens, as well as postponing raising the price of electricity and water tariffs, finding appropriate solutions to collect debt, and seeking other reforms that benefit citizens and improve the level of state revenues.
The meeting warns against implementing these resolutions without comprehending the raised remarks, which, in light of the current living conditions, will lead to imbalances in the smooth availability of foodstuffs and exorbitance of commodities, exacerbating human suffering and destabilizing the security of the community.