The General Secretariat holds its periodic meeting and reviews political scene and performance of Women and Children Department

The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held its periodic meeting, on Wednesday, at its headquarters in the capital, Aden, headed by Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General.

The meeting listened to a report on the political scene presented by the political department, which reviewed the most prominent political developments related to the issue of the South, and the level of impact of field events on regional and international diplomatic discussions and moves, including the visit of the UN envoy to the capital, Aden, and his briefing to the Security Council.

The political report touched on the political dimensions due to the refusal of some ministers of the power-sharing government to return to the capital, Aden, and their insistence on carrying out their duties from the city of Seiyun, and the fact that others issued unilateral decisions, in a clear insistence on violating the terms of the Riyadh Agreement, in light of the inaction and the handover of Muslim Brotherhood militias to areas of southern Shabwa, and Marib of Yemen, for its Houthi counterpart.

The meeting discussed the performance report of the Department of Women and Children work for the third quarter of the year 2021, which included the most prominent activities and events organized by the department, and its most important achievements within the framework of the tasks entrusted to it during the mentioned period.

The meeting also touched on the political, economic, military and security issues related to the South, its people and its cause, and made the necessary recommendations in this regard.

The meeting also listened to the weekly activity report of the general secretariat departments, as well as reviewed and approved the minutes of its previous meeting.