Delegates of Transitional Council Presidency inspect location of terrorist attack in Al-Samoud Stadium in Dhalea

The member of the Presidency Council of the Southern Transitional Council, the official in charge for human rights file in the Transitional Council, Lawyer Niran Souqi, inspected on Sunday the site of the Houthi terrorist attack at the Al-Samoud stadium in Al-Dhalea governorate, which resulted a number of civilians were martyred and injured, most of them youth and children.

Lawyer Niran Souqi and her companions inspected the scene of the criminal terrorist attack, and listened from the head of the local leadership of the Transitional Council in the Al-Dhalea, Brigadier Mahdi Abdullah Saeed, on the destructive effects of the missile launched by the Houthi militia targeting the  the Al-Somoud stadium after the end of the military parade that was witnessed by a large crowd of youth and children in the city.

In a brief statement, lawyer Nayran Souqi, expressed her condemnation of the terrorist incident, stressing that the Houthi terrorist militia has bombed civilians and safe cities in an attempt to compensate for their military failure on the battlefields in flagrant violation of international humanitarian laws and human rights regulations and religious principles that called for human protection, and conveyed to the victims' families the condolences of the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council, represented by the President Aidaroos Qasim Al-Zubaidi, and his wishes for the wounded to a speedy recovery.

Lawyer Nayran Souqi was accompanied by Eng. Nizar Haitham, spokesperson for the Transitional Council, and Dr. Abdulaziz Hadi, deputy head of the Human Rights Department at the General Secretariat, head of Monitoring and Documentation Section of the General Secretariat of the Presidency,