Unprecedented Crowds in al-Dale`a Respond to the Southern Transition Council Invitation

Protesters marched in the capital of al-Dale`a in unprecedented numbers on Tuesday in response to the call of the Southern Transition Council.

Demonstrators flocked in the early morning hours to the STC premises coming from the five districts of al-Dale`a .
 They walk back and forth along the main street carrying the southern national flags and pictures of the martyrs with the STC logo on them , chanting with anger slogans against the plots machinated against them and against the South by the so-called legitimate government , comparing it to the other face of the occupation . The protesters reminded the ministers who legalize the occupation that the blood of the martyrs secured their accommodation , referring to Ma'ashiq Palace in Aden , which they use it as an operating room against the South . The crowd stressed the importance of active participation in the 14 Otober rally in Al-Ma'alla , Aden . They renewed their call to all the free southerners to march to the capital on the 13th and 14th of October to mark the 54th anniversary of the revolution .