STC Political Commission Holds First Regular Meeting in September

The Political Commission (PC) assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held its first periodic meeting in September 2024 today, Monday, chaired by Dr. Khaled Ba-Madhaf, deputy head of the PC. 

During the meeting, the PC discussed a monitoring report that focused on the latest political developments on the Southern national scene, as well as recent regional and international developments.

The PC listened to a report on the military and security situation presented by Brigadier General Fadl Ma'bad, head of the Moral Guidance Department of the Southern Ground Forces. The report provided an overview of the general military situation on various border battlefronts against the Houthi terrorist militia.

Similarly, the PC touched on the ongoing escalation of the Houthi terrorist militia on the northern fronts of the governorates of Lahj and Al-Dhale'a and asserted that this escalation reflects a state of desperation following the Southern Security Forces' successes in various governorates, which have contributed to the dismantling of militia cells aiming to undermine stability.

The PC has commended the heroism of the Southern Armed Forces in the battlefronts against the Iranian-backed militias, and their courageous response to the recent failed Houthi attempts in a number of fronts of the South.

In a separate context, the PC highlighted the importance of fulfilling the legitimate rightful demands of Hadhramaut citizens to manage the affairs of their governorate and emphasised that any attempts to drag Hadhramaut into a vicious cycle of chaos would reach a dead end, due to the wisdom and awareness of its people.

At the end of its meeting, the PC reviewed a range of topics on its agenda, approved the previous minutes, and submitted its proposals and recommendations.