The Southern Transitional Council (STC) strongly condemns the heinous massacre committed by the Houthi terrorist militia in the district of Rada'a in Al-Bayda Governorate, which claimed the lives of innocent civilians, mostly women, children, and senior people.
This crime committed by the Houthi militia in this blessed month, the month of mercy and forgiveness, represents the true face of this group that believes in the culture of shedding blood, violence, and terrorism and its violation of all human laws, values, customs, norms, and ethics.
The international complacency with the crimes of this militia both on land and at sea has helped it to indulge in its shameful acts, which calls for a stronger and more decisive stance today to deter this group, stop its terrorist acts, return to the path of peace, and end the state of contempt for international efforts and endeavors to reach a lasting peace.
The Houthi militia's attempt to evade responsibility for this horrific crime through flimsy statements and movements is another, even more heinous crime, and a blatant attempt to cover up the truth of its approach based on shedding blood, violence, and terrorism, which determines the intellectual and ideological structure on which it was founded.
We pray to Allah, the Almighty, to accept the martyrs of the Rada'a massacre with His vast mercy and forgiveness and to make their abode with the martyrs, and we offer our condolences to their families and loved ones. Therefore, we emphasize the need to strengthen the spirit of resistance and the culture of rejection and confrontation among local communities in the militia-controlled areas as an effective means of stopping their crimes and their playing a mad game with the lives of innocents.
Issued by:
The Southern Transitional Council (STC)
Aden, the capital.