The Acting Secretary-General of Southern Transitional Council: The southern issue is the balance and no solution without it

The Acting Secretary-General of the Southern Transitional Council, Mr. Fadhl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, sent a message to the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the UN, Mr. Martin Griffiths and to be heard by the whole world, Al-Jaadi said "If you believe that the legitimacy and the Houthi militias are the only sides of the balance, then we say NO, the South is the scale pointer in which the balance cannot be adjusted without it".
Al-Jaadi called on the demonstrators of next Thursday uprising from the southern provinces and regions to take caution and remain alert and careful to monitor the events from any infiltrators, of the south opponents and the success enemies.
Al-Jaadi stressed on the need for the coming events to be successful by all standards, indicating that this will be achieved only if everyone takes into account the monitoring of the activities and follow it up step by step to ensure immunity from any attempts of penetrating them.